Resume Debate

In the class, all of the students make a group debates with each group having their own topic. This is my analysis about the debates. The topic that i analyzed is talking about Video Gaming is Addictive.

Pro              : Video game addiction may present itself as compulsive gaming, social                                              isolation, mood swings, diminished imagination. Gamers who addicted                                            playing games can be dropped out from his / her school. The game creator makes                          the games somehow "addictive" like achievement and anything else so people who                        play it usually be addicted to the game. Also, the World Health Organization (WHO)                        had proposed and included "gaming disorder" as a mental disease in June 2018                              because gaming addiction can cause disease, even death. 
Contra         : Video game doesn't always have negative impact for gamers. Video                           games can also be positive like with video games, you will have better                       vision because in games you have to choose the best strategy to win,                       you can do multitasking , and it can makes you happy as a stress                             reliever with a cheap budget. Everything can be negative if the user                           use it excessively, not only video games. 

My Opinion  :  I will give you the example about video games. Same as video games as a hobby, skydiving is also a hobby. If 1 million people do skydiving and some of them are dead, you can't say that skydiving is pure negative. It's not the faulth of skydiving, but from the people itself, same as video games. So play video games as long as it's only stress reliever and not your high priority . Use video games to develop thinking skills, multasking, speaks english, and many more. 


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